Professional Dog Training
with a "Distinct European Flavor"
Service Dog Boot Camp:
This is a Minimum 60 Day Program
Complete Pricing Information At End Of This Section
Please Note: A letter from your doctor is required that states a service dog would benefit you. It is also required that your dog satisfactorily complete this Service Dog Boot Camp program. Your dog must
then pass the SDA Public Access Test. As the Service Dog Handler, you also must prove that you are
a compentant handler.
When both you and your dog will have earned
Certification as a Service Dog Team, you will receive complete documentation, appropriare vest, approved identication and all associated equipment as part of this comprehensive program.
Euro Pros has, for many years, trained & supplied Police K-9s and Military Work Dogs on an international basis. We have also been offering Service Dog training, on a limited basis, for the past 20 years.
Since "9/11", we have tried to specialize in the training of dogs for PTSD and to support the emotional needs of our wounded warriors and the general public. Euro Pros K-9 Center selects the dogs and/or provides the specified training of these much needed dogs.
"Falk" is a fine example of a quality Military Work Dog produced by Euro Pros K-9 Center, Inc. This extensive training experience sets Euro Pros apart in the training of Service Dogs for use by "wounded warriors" or by those in the general public requiring a Service Dog for PTSD or Emotional Issues. |
Service Animals - General Information
On September 15, 2010 the Department of Justice published revised final regulations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) clarifying and refining issues that have arisen over the past 20 years.
Overview of the Revised ADA Standards
What is PTSD?
Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that can occur after you have been through a traumatic event. During this type of event, you think that your life or other's lives are in danger. You may feel afraid or feel that you have no control over what is happening.
Anyone who has gone through a life-threatening event can develop PTSD. These events can include:
1.) Combat or Military Exposure
2.) Child sexual or physical abuse
3.) Terrorist attacks
4.) Sexual or physical assault
5.) Serious accidents, such as a car wreck
6.) Natural disasters, such as a fire, tornado hurricane, flood, or earthquake
After the event, you may feel scared, confused, or angry. If these feelings don't go away or they get worse, you may have PTSD. These symptoms may disrupt your life, making it hard to continue with your daily activities.
Euro Pros Service Dog in training. |
PTSD Service Dog Training:
Euro Pros K-9 Center can create customized training programs for PTSD Service Dogs to help those who are suffering and living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
PTSD Dogs are trained to:
1.) Assistance in a medical crisis
2.) Provide treatment related assistance
3.) Assistance in coping with emotional overload
4.) Perform security enhancement tasks
A Specially Trained PTSD Dog can provide a sense of security, calming effects, and physical exercise that can make a positive difference in the life of those that suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Like all assistance dogs, a psychiatric service dog is individually trained to do work or perform tasks that mitigate their handler's disability. Training may include providing environmental assessment (in such cases as paranoia or hallucinations), signaling behaviors (such as interrupting repetitive or injurious behavior reminding the handler to take medication, retrieving objects and guiding the handler from stressful situations. PTSD Service Dogs can literally change the life of a Veteran or other person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD Service dogs can help a Veteran remain calm by preventing people from crowding around or rushing up behind in public places which will provide a comfortable space for the Veteran or PTSD sufferer.
PTSD Service Dogs can:
A.) Help adjust serotonin levels
B.) Help lower blood pressure
C.) Help with episodes of depression
D.) Provide companionship
E.) Calm their handler
F.) Preventing people from crowding around or rushing up on their handler
First Things First . . .
The first thing we start working on is to have a calmer dog that listens better and is not reactive to all of the environmental stimulants around your home, and in his world. By starting in that manor, we are better able train your dog on the obedience commands you need. We, at Euro Pros, look at dog training as a lifestyle and not a series of tricks, our training and rehab program becomes part of your lifestyle, as it does for your dog.
As far as obedience, we work on the following with your dog:
- Walking properly on a leash without pulling, barking, lunging, sniffing, or reacting to dogs and/or distractions
- Sit
- Down
- Place command
- Correcting bad behaviors – jumping up on people, jumping on countertops, mouthing, nipping, chasing, playing keep-away
- Recall training (with, and without distractions)
- Separation Anxiety (some separation issues need a longer program)
- Crate Nonsense (barking, whining, etc.)
- Heeling properly on leash and eliminating leash reactivity (some intense leash reactivity needs a longer program)
- Building confidence with your dog so you get a better and well mannered dog.
- Calm on Command training – having your dog be calm in all situations, without him/her having to be worn out with hours of walking/play time
- Leadership skills with your dog so your dog understands proper pack order with humans, eliminating a lot of pushy behavior dogs have. This is also great for nervous fearful dogs.
- Work with your dog on the anxiety and fear that is driving most unwanted behaviors
You can add Euro Pros'
"Invisible Leash"
Training to any Board & Train
Program for very a nomimal charge
To set up a training reservation call
seven days-a-week from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Service Dog
Training Program:
PLEASE NOTE: Other than Euro Pros Pet Dog Boot Camp, all other board & train programs do not provide the Lifetime Training Guarantee.
> After Graduation, Service Dog Training Program includes up to 4 Free Private Training Sessions for the handler and dog. Should you require any further training assistance, please refer to Euro Pros "Private Dog Appointments" navigation tab for prices.
PLEASE NOTE: "Invisable Leash" (Remote Collar) Training is available in all Euro Pros Boot Camp Programs for an additional $195. If requested, an appropriately sized Professional Dogtra Remote Training Collar will be provided.
Service Dog Boot Camp
Includes a specialized minimum 60 Day board & train
Service Dog Training and Public Access Training Program. This comprehensive program includes the SDA Public Access Test. Upon successful completion of the SDA Public Access Test, you will recieve documentation of your dog's Certification, including credentials indicating the Team's successfull
passing of the SDA Public Access Test.
This 60 Day Board & Train
Program . . . Also includes 4 Private Training Sessions for Dog & Handler, after graduation.
An Evaluation is required to enroll in
Service Dog Boot Camp.
(The Evaluation helps determines if the dog has the character to become a Service Dog and helps determine the length of the
Board & Train that may needed.)
Special Program Price:
60 Days Board & Train Program,
Plus the 4 Private Sessions:
Client provides a dog that passes Euro Pros' Evaluation for training in the
Service Dog Boot Camp Program:
. . . only $9,995 and
includes the boarding
>>> Please Note: "Invisable Leash" (Remote Collar) Training is available in all Euro Pros Boot Camp Programs for an additional $295. If requested, an appropriately sized Professional Dogtra Remote Training Collar will be provided.
>>> Medical & Refund Policy: Should a medical situation arise while your pet is in our care, you agree to give Euro Pros permission to give care, to medicate your pet appropriately and to contact a Vet in your behalf. You do agree to pay at pick up, for all Vet bills incurred and medication administered. Once the dog has been dropped off and training commenced, there will be no refunds. Euro Pros will; however, offer to either substitute a different program or to provide the client with a non-transferable, credit that is good for up to twelve months.
>>> Discounts Available: Euro Pros K-9 Center offers a 10% discount for all dogs when Training Multiple Dogs.
Client must have a letter from a Doctor confirming his need for a service dog for us to complete the Certification. The above prices will apply if the client's dog is evaluated and approved by Euro Pros to start training and the client provides a letter from his/her doctor indicating that a Service Dog would be of benefit to the patient. The evaluation expense is waved if the client's dog in enrolled in Service Dog training on the day of the Evaluation.
For detailed information or to set up a reservation for your dog:
Call Euro Pros K-9 Center today!