A separate website is under construction for Euro Pros' East Tennessee location. In the meantime, please check out the website for our headquarters facility located on 15 acres an hour south of Tampa, FL.
The East Tennessee location is offering all the same board & train programs as noted below.
East Tennessee & Surrounding States Prices:
1.) Kindergarten Boot Camp - Min. 5 Day Board & Train Program - $795
2.) Puppy Dog Boot Camp - Min. 10 Day Board & Train Program - $1,295
3.) Pet Dog Boot Camp - Min. 20 Day Board & Train Program - $2,495
4.) Behavior Boot Canp - Min. 30 Day Board & Train Program - $2,795
5.) Aggression Boot Camp - Min. 40 Day Board & Train Program - $2,995
6.) Service Dog Boot Camp - Min. 90 Day Board & Train Program - $7,495
7.) One-on-One Private Training Appointments - Includes Several Prepaid Discount Packages - In-Home from $75 to $95/Session, At EuroPros from $70 to $85/Session
For more information call
any day up to 9:00 PM