Euro Pros K-9 Center
has trained utilizing
"Marker Training"
since 1979.
Just what is "Marker Training"?
The advanced professional approach to animal training know as "Marker Training" is based on application of the principles of Operant Conditioning.
Operant Conditioning has been defined as both the science of explaining behavior and the powerful technology of changing it.
The principles of Operant Conditioning describe how animals learn. When trainers use Operant Conditioning, they apply the principles to obtain the results they want.
Operant Conditioning breaks learning into three parts:
- The stimulus that elicits behavior
- The actual behavior the animal does
- The consequence that occurs as a result of the behavior
According to this theoretical framework, the consequence of a behavior determines whether it will be repeated or not in the future. If the consequence strengthens a behavior — causes it to occur more frequently — we say the behavior has been reinforced. In training with markers, we use positive reinforcement to teach new skills. On the other hand, behavior that leads to unpleasant consequences occurs less frequently. Correction suppresses unwanted behaviors.
"Marker Training" utilizes a "word" to mark correct behavior. We at Von Asgard K-9 Center train using a "word" to mark the behavior. On the other hand, clicker training is a varient of Marker Training where a mechanical "click" sound is used to mark the correct behavior when it is thought that the person training cannot achieve a correct "word" mark, or do so in a timely fashion.
At Von Asgard K-9 Center, we have been utilizing the principals of Operant Conditioning through the application Marker Training methods with proven success with thousands of pet dogs, as well as, in high-level international competition, since 1979.
"Werlein Way" - European Dog Training Programs |