>>> The Werlein Way <<<
Professional Dog Training
with a "Distinct European Flavor"
Behavior Boot Camp
is a Minimum 4 Week Program
The "BEHAVIOR BOOT CAMP" program is designed for dogs that are in need of Advanced Training and/or Behavoir Modification but is NOT FOR HUMAN AGGRESSIVE DOGS and NOT FOR DOGS THAT HAVE HIGH LEVELS OF FEAR, ANXIETY OR RESOURCE GUARDING ISSUES that are prone to dangerously lash out, as those issues take longer to work with. For those issues, check out Euro Pros' "Aggression Boot Camp".
All of our programs are as much about behavior rehabilitation, as they are about obedience commands. So many dogs are great at obedience, but they cannot hold a command around basic distractions. So many dogs have great obedience, but they do not have a calm state of mind. It is so important for us and the dog, that we are able to work with the dog on these issues.
Kobe looks like such a nice dog here . . . but he can hardly wait to JUMP UP ON YOUR MOM the next time she stops by! |
Please Note:
An Evaluation/Training Session
Is Required Prior to your dog's Acceptance in
any of Euro Pros' Behavior, Aggression or
Service Dog Boot Camp Programs
Brandon Baughman. shown here with a young American Bulldog, is one of Euro Pros' Certified Trainers that specializes in Obedience training and Behavior Modification. |
Anthony Pursel. shown here with his young Argentine Dogo, is one of Euro Pros' Certified Trainers that specializes in Obedience training and Behavior Modification. |
The first thing we start working on is to have a calmer dog that listens better and is not reactive to all of the environmental stimulants around your home, and in his world. By starting in that manor, we are better able train your dog on the obedience commands you need. We, at Euro Pros, look at dog training as a lifestyle and not a series of tricks, our training and rehab program becomes part of your lifestyle, as it does for your dog.
As far as obedience, we work on some of the following with your dog to help get his Behavior Issues under control:
- Walking properly on a leash without pulling, barking, lunging, sniffing, or reacting to dogs and/or distractions
- Sit
- Down
- Place command
- Correcting bad behaviors – jumping up on people, jumping on countertops, mouthing, nipping, chasing, playing keep-away
- Recall (Come) Training (with, and without distractions)
- Separation Anxiety (some separation issues need a longer program)
- Crate Nonsense (barking, whining, etc.)
- Heeling properly on leash and eliminating leash reactivity (some intense leash reactivity needs a longer program)
- Building confidence with your dog so you get a better and well mannered dog.
- Calm on Command training – having your dog be calm in all situations, without him/her having to be worn out with hours of walking/play time
- Leadership skills with your dog so your dog understands proper pack order with humans, eliminating a lot of pushy behavior dogs have. This is also great for nervous fearful dogs.
- Work with your dog on the anxiety and fear that is driving most unwanted behaviors
"Invisible Leash" Training with a Dogtra 280C TD Edition E-Collar is included
in this Board & Train Program
Euro Pros K-9 Center works with all the breeds . . . Big Bruisers to Little Pixies! |
When your dog is finally ready to graduate from "BEHAVIOR BOOT CAMP", we'll have you (and the others in your household) come in for a two hour graduation session. We discuss the psychology of each modification, the underpinnings and exactly how your dog accomplished these changes. We teach you how to handle the dog in each situation and physically work with you to master the handling techniques. We then show you just how well your dog is doing, by bring out your dog and, with us doing the handling, show you just how much he has accomplished.
Only then do we put you together with your dog and work with you and your dog until the two of you are communicating and he is responding appropriately.
We then teach you a three to four minute routine that you can do with your dog when you get home. This three to four minute routine, done several times a day at your home, will help transfer the habit of him responding correctly to us here at Euro Pros to responding correctly for you at your location.
While we cannot guarantee this program, Euro Pros' success rate with its "BEHAVIOR BOOT CAMP" program has been very significant.
Euro Pros K-9 Center's "BEHAVIOR BOOT CAMP" problem solving program has proven its effectiveness and success with hundreds of graduates living in-harmony with their human families across the country.
Blue was certainly a hand full when he came in for Behavior Boot Camp . . . however, a year later, Blue ended up a Certified Service Dog! |
EURO PROS - 4 Way "Training Guarantee" Applies To
All Euro Pros' Boot Camp Programs
To our knowledge, Euro Pros K-9 Center is the only dog training organization to include a 4 WAY "Training Guarantee" should you need help after your dog graduates from one of its Board & Train Boot Camp Programs.
Euro Pros K-9 Center's 4 week Behavior Boot Camp - "Training Guarantee" covers all its basic enumerated obedience exercises.
1.) After graduation, should you need help with your "BEHAVIOR OBEDIENCE BOOT CAMP" 4 week graduate, you can call Euro Pros seven days-a-week from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm to receive free telephone help from a seasoned training professional.
2.) If the telephone help did not fix the problem, just call Euro Pros to set up a private training appointment at no charge for your Behavior Boot Camp Graduate. Help at Euro Pros K-9 Center is available 7-days-a-week, by appointment. A 4 week Behavior Boot Graduate can set up to 4 seperate appointments without cost, if needed.
3.) Euro Pros offeres a special program called BOARD & TUNE UP that is not open to the general public. We only board dogs that have already been trained at Euro Pros. When the client pays for his dog to stay at Euro Pros in the BOARD & TUNE UP program, the dog is refreshed daily on all that he learned in Boot Camp and Euro Pros works on any problem areas as part of the regular BOARD & TUNE UP fee.
4.) Euro Pros' 4 week BEHAVIOR BOOT CAMP - "Training Guarantee" is transferable should your Behavior Boot Camp Graduate ever need to be re-homed. The guarantee extends to the new owner for the life of the dog, provided the new owner attends a free program to acquaint him or her with the training the dog received originally at Euro Pros K-9 Center.
A non-refundable Evaluation/Training
Session is required - This payment may be
applied to the Behavior Boot Camp Program if your dog is left in the Behavior Boot Camp
right after the evaluation:
Eval./Training Session: $500
Please Note: After the Evaluation/Training
Session, plan to leave your dog for our Behavior Boot Camp or we may suggest scheduling additional speciality Private Training Sessions.
CALL: 941-444-6605 any day up till 9:00 pm
Euro Pros Training Center will develop and execute a comprehensive training program specifically designed to meet your needs or solve your dog's problems.
>> Let our “Behavior Boot Camp" Pros BOARD & TRAIN Your Dog IN-KENNEL FOR YOU!
It includes a 2 hour graduation program with handler training . . . plus four (4) 1 hour private training sessions after graduation should you need additional help.
>>> Please Note: An “Evaluation/Training” session is required in order for you to enroll your dog in the "Behavior Boot Camp" program below. When you come in, we will Evaluate/Train with you and your dog to determine the best course of action.
>>> Also Note: "Invisible Leash" (Remote Collar) Training is provided in Euro Pros' Behavior, Aggression and Service Dog Boot Camps at no additional charge.
>>> Discounts Available: Euro Pros K-9 Center offers a discount for . . . Multiple Training and/or Boarding Dogs.
>>> Medical , Grooming & Refund Policy: Should a medical situation arise while your pet is in our care, you agree to give Euro Pros permission to give care, to medicate your pet appropriately and to contact a Vet in your behalf. You do agree to pay at pick up, for all medical bills incurred and medication administered. Any prepaid deposit to set up a reservation is not refundable. All boarding dogs will be charged at intake for an automatic bath, blow dry, nail trim and ear cleaning they will receive prior to departure. Any additional grooming requested will be charged at pick-up. Once the dog has been dropped off and training commenced, there shall be no refunds of the price paid for that training. Euro Pros will; however, offer to either substitute a different program or to provide the client with a non-transferable, credit that is good for up to twelve months.
To set up an Evaluation/Training Appointment call
seven days-a-week from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM