>>> The Werlein Way <<<
Professional Dog Training with a
"Distinct European Flavor"
Young dogs, old dogs, little dogs, big dogs, good dogs, bad dogs, puppy dogs, rescue dogs . . . All dogs can benefit from Euro Pros' Start Right Program! |
Euro Pros K-9 Center's
"Start Right Training Seminar"
As Seen On National Television
Our European "Start Right Training Seminar" - Is beneficial for dogs of all ages and for owners with, and without, previous experience.
The "Start Right Training Seminar" is a 2 to 3 hour hands-on Training Program, with an Animal Care Informational Segment included. This Seminar gets the dog off on the right foot and keeps the owner on the right path.
Euro Pros' Professionals will provide you with the necessary Foundational Training for you to raise the "great dog" your family deserves. Also included is an Informational Program on how to properly care for your dog and protect its health.
The "Start Right Training Seminar" will impower and modivate you and give your dog the training foundation to be an "All Star" !
Our Euro Pros' Professionals will lead a hands-on training clinic covering the following:
1.) The Euro Pros' Trainer will explain the various dog training methods and demonstrate each of them.
2.) The use of professional training techniques and tools will be compared and demonstrated.
3.) How to teach the basic obedience exercises, such as, "Sit", "Down", "Place", a "Recall" & etc. will be shown, with actual experience working with your dog.
4.) You will learn how to teach your dog to walk nicely on leash, not to jump up, polite door manors & etc.
5.) You will be shown how to anaylyze a behavior issue and determine a course of action, with hands-on practice with you dog.
6.) You will also learn how to maintain the training that your dog has learned through the establishment of a daily routine for you to do with your dog.
The Informational portion of the Seminar will include hand-outs with the following:
1.) Housebreaking scheduling with suggestions and aids geared to your situation and your dog.
2.) The reason to Crate Train your dog will be explained with ideas on how to implement a Positive Crate Training Program for your dog.
3.) Explanation concerning the vaccinations and wormings your dog should have with a suggested schedule for their administration.
4.) Information, including hand-outs, concerning the recognition, symptoms and treatment of common canine problems and diseases.
5.) An explanation of "Socialization" with the procedures to do so, also discussed is the negative impact of not providing adaquate socialization with many varied people and at numerous locations.
6.) Euro Pros' Professional will entertain questions from the participants on any pertinent subject and discuss them indepth.
Euro Pros' "Start Right"
Individualized Training & Informational Seminar Program
is very affordable at:
Note: 100% of the amount paid for this program may be applied toward the same dog registering for any future Euro Pros' Boot Camp Program.
For more information or to make a reservation
call Linda any day up to 9:00 pm: