Euro Pros
A Very Special Socialization & Obedience
"METRO DOG" Boot Camp
Complete Pricing Information at End Of This Section
Euro Pros K-9 Center offers a wide variety of specialized training programs. One of those specialized programs is our Metro Dog Boot Camp. This unique program will make it possible to take your dog anywhere, with confidence, and be assured that he will behave appropriately.
It is programs like our Metro Dog Boot Camp that have contributed to Euro Pros K-9 Center being listed as one of Florida's premier dog training facilities. Our board & train "Metro Dog" Training is a program like no other. It has been singled out for excellence and written-up in several dog publications. This unique professional high-level socialization and obedience program is an in-kennel training program that teaches both the pet dog and his owner.
The dog is boarded at Euro Pros K-9 Center for 30+ adys and is extensively trained and socialized during his stay. While at "Metro Dog" Training, your dog receives all the "DOGGIE DUDE RANCH" high-activity boarding features (click on "DOGGIE DUDE RANCH" boarding to the left), such as, "Super-Sized' kennels, three on leash hikes each day, a "free-running" play session & etc. Each day, multiple short 15 minute training sessions are scheduled. They are interspursed around the three on leash hikes and the play period so that the dog is out of his kennel each hour, approxmately 9 times-a-day. It truely is like sending a child off to a high-activity summer camp, or to Marine Boot Camp.
By training multiple times a day for short periods of time, in the course of a seven day week we will have up to 35 training sessions with your dog while utilizing only his prime attention span. Successful socialization and obedience training can quickly be accomplished with such a intensive, focused schedule.
We will also be taking you dog off site of intensive training in public and at various locations to assure that your dog responds appropriatly in all public access situations and locations.